Coorporate Doctor (CD JS) - PT Gelora Djaja - Jawa Timur

Posted by Sigit Tutorial Kamis, 17 Januari 2013 0 komentar

Ditulis oleh : Sigit Prastowo

Advertised:18-1-13 Closing Date:17-2-13

PT Gelora Djaja

As the National company in the cigarettes products, we are constantly innovating to improve the quality of product and deliver value to our customers. We are seeking for potential individuals to be part of our winning team:

Coorporate Doctor (CD JS)
(Jawa Timur)


  • Laki-laki atau perempuan, Max. 35 tahun, Min. Lulusan kedokteran S1 (GPA Min. 2.75/4)
  • Memiliki sertifikat Hiperkes, STR dan SIP
  • Have min. 2 years working experience in Pelayanan kesehatan kerja
  • Willing to be placed in Tandes, Surabaya

sending your C.V with attached photograph and code of the position as subject to :

(Please send your application in word document and attachment not exceed than 300 KB)
PT Gelora Djaja, Jl Buntaran no 9 Tandes Surabaya

"Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview"

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: Coorporate Doctor (CD JS) - PT Gelora Djaja - Jawa Timur
: 4.5
: Sigit Tutorial
: Coorporate Doctor (CD JS) - PT Gelora Djaja - Jawa Timur

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